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Intelligence Report
Summer Issue
May 20, 2008

Nearly 15 years after the genocide that killed at least 800,000 Rwandans, a government inquiry has uncovered alarming instances of schools teaching hate. 

Intelligence Report
Summer Issue
May 20, 2008

Police found the bodies of Leshkevich and his wife in their home. He had beaten and then strangled her with his bare hands.

Intelligence Report
Summer Issue
May 20, 2008

White nationalist James Edwards has ended his hate radio show, "The Political Cesspool," after more than three years on the air.

Intelligence Report
Summer Issue
May 20, 2008

Ivaylo Ivanov pleaded not guilty to the charges at his Jan. 21 arraignment. Afterward, his court-appointed attorney, Adrian Lesher, would not answer reporters' questions but said, "I can tell you he's Jewish."

Intelligence Report
Summer Issue
May 20, 2008

Long-time Klan Headquarters has Unexpected Owner

Intelligence Report
Summer Issue
May 20, 2008

An attorney who was supposed to defend a prominent Holocaust denier instead found herself headed to a German jail in January after calling the extermination of Jews during World War II "the biggest lie in world history."


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