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Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
December 06, 2000

World Church of the Creator leader Matt Hale denounces an interracial union as a wedding worthy of death.

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
December 06, 2000

Bigoted barbecue baron Maurice Bessinger, winner of a People magazine award, is suffering the financial consequences from his outspoken racist stand.

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
December 06, 2000

Ronald Gay, reportedly taunted for his last name, is accused of murdering one and injuring others at a gay and lesbian gathering place in Roanoke, Va.

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
December 06, 2000

The antigovernment Republic of Texas has secured land in Dewitt County on which to build its 'Provisional Capitol.'

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
December 06, 2000

Prison officials faced with white supremacist employees must act or face potentially expensive court disputes.


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