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Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
October 01, 2007

Quotes from Janet Folger, Debbie Schlussel, John Gibson...

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
October 01, 2007

The Navy has declared a "finding of misconduct" and issued a formal letter of reprimand to Lt. Comdr. John Sharpe Jr., according to his parents.

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
October 01, 2007

A notorious anti-Catholic cult has reemerged in several states since the release of its founder from prison. Now, former members and others are organizing against it.

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
October 01, 2007

Are threats protected speech under the First Amendment? What about publishing enemies' home addresses? It depends

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
October 01, 2007

The vicious talk at the white supremacist "Rally Against Black Gang Terrorism" in Kalamazoo, Mich., last Aug. 4 didn't come as much of a surprise to anyone. After all, the speakers included some of the most hard-line racists in America.

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
October 01, 2007

Around Muscogee County, Ga., H. Haywood Turner III is known as the county magistrate who, during a driving altercation, brandished a pistol at a U.S. Army sergeant.

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
October 01, 2007

The Intelligence Report has obtained a chilling video that Robert Crooks, the leader of the nativist extremist group Mountain Minutemen, E-mailed this summer to several other prominent nativist leaders, including Jim Gilchrist, co-founder of the original Minuteman Project.


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