A major biography of George Wallace reveals how racist radicals were utilized by the segregationist Alabama governor
The Intelligence Report is the nation's preeminent periodical monitoring the radical right in the U.S.
The Intelligence Report is the Southern Poverty Law Center's award-winning magazine. The biannual publication provides comprehensive updates to law enforcement agencies, the media and the general public. Subscribe here.
A major biography of George Wallace reveals how racist radicals were utilized by the segregationist Alabama governor
Virtually unknown just three years ago, Preston Wiginton has become a key white power activist in Russia and the U.S.
It was shocking enough when an unstable skinhead was acquitted of murdering an unarmed woman. Now he's bragging about it
Members of a racist cult, infuriated that their children were seized by Texas authorities, may fight legal battle 'tooth and nail'
Bill and Roger Larson are 33-year-old identical twins who grew up and still live in Springfield, Ill. In May 2003, when both Larsons were employed as emergency medical technicians (EMTs), a gang of racist skinheads ambushed the brothers outside a bar over
En un pueblo de Massachusetts, dos hermanos con mentalidad conspiradora han estado a la vanguardia de una cruzada de odio contra los inmigrantes Brasileños.
El número de grupos de odio que operan en Estados Unidos aumentó nuevamente el año pasado, alcanzando un incremento del 48% desde el 2000.
Otra generación de activistas en contra de los inmigrantes se une al movimiento nativista virulento y en crecimiento
About 30 members and supporters of the Nationalist Party, a white supremacist group headed by Mississippi lawyer Richard Barrett, marched on Martin Luther King Jr. Day in Jena, La., the site of a march by more than 20,000 anti-racist protesters last Sept. 20.
The Intelligence Project identified 131 "Patriot" groups that were active in 2007.