Facing capital charges in a horrific torture-murder, a notorious skinhead describes a life of crime and bitter regrets
The Intelligence Report is the nation's preeminent periodical monitoring the radical right in the U.S.
The Intelligence Report is the Southern Poverty Law Center's award-winning magazine. The biannual publication provides comprehensive updates to law enforcement agencies, the media and the general public. Subscribe here.
Facing capital charges in a horrific torture-murder, a notorious skinhead describes a life of crime and bitter regrets
Animated by the ugly rhetoric of the nativist movement, the number of hate groups in America grew 5% last year to a total of 888. The increase translated into a 48% jump in hate groups since the year 2000 and was accompanied by reports of rising violence.
An Arizonan who says he was in the Hitler Youth has become one of the largest dealers of racist memorabilia in the West
The FBI's alleged use of an informant who regularly suggested killing his enemies comes under fire as reckless endangerment
Raised in a radically anti-Catholic cult, a woman recounts abuse and her eventual escape from her own mother and stepfather
In one Massachusetts town, two conspiracy-minded brothers have been leading a hateful crusade against Brazilian immigrants
Another generation of anti-immigrant activists joins the increasingly virulent nativist movement
The video is hard to watch. Just three minutes long, "Operation of the National-Socialist Party of Russia to Arrest and Execute Two Colonists From Dagestan and Tajikistan" opens to the sound of machine-gun fire.
In a case that sent shock waves through Israeli society, police in September announced the arrests of a group of young neo-Nazis who allegedly attacked foreign workers from Asia, religious Jews, gay men and lesbians, the homeless and drug addicts.
Exacerbados por la dura retórica de nativistas, expertos y políticos, los ataques de odio hacia quienes son vistos como 'invasores' latinos son cada vez más frecuentes