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October 02, 2017

Since 1985, the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) has served as the anti-immigrant movement’s go-to think tank. The organizaton publishes dozens of reports and hundreds of blog pieces each year that are cited by elected officials and the media. But its reports have been widely criticized and debunked by groups such as the Immigration Policy Center, the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, and the CATO Institute.

September 25, 2017

Yesterday’s election of the far-right, populist party Alternative für Deutschland (Alternative for Germany or AfD) marks the first time a far-right party has entered the German parliament since the end of World War II. 

September 14, 2017

When Trump was elected, far-right activists rejoiced at his victory at the ballot box, seeing a favorable candidate who ran on a platform of explicit xenophobia and nativism. 

August 29, 2017

A leader of a religious cult that embraces anti-Muslim, anti-Semitic and homophobic teachings has been transferred from a New Mexico jail cell to a hospital after beginning a hunger strike, authorities confirm.

August 28, 2017

Former Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio, whose unconstitutional racial profiling tactics got him convicted of a federal crime, has been given a presidential pardon by his political ally, Donald Trump.
