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Intelligence Report
Spring Issue

A Southern Poverty Law Center study of “lone wolf” and “leaderless resistance” political violence finds that 90% of domestic attacks or planned attacks in the last six years were carried out by just one or two people. These incidents occurred, on average, once every 34 days — a stark reminder of the domestic terrorist threat.

Intelligence Report
Spring Issue

An FBI agent who helped found the agency’s elite behavioral science unit
discusses the psychology of lone wolf terrorism.

Intelligence Report
Spring Issue

Christian Picciolini was one of the first on America’s racist skinhead scene. But now he’s singing a different tune.

Intelligence Report
Spring Issue

A thousand years of darkness? Two years after a series of apocalyptic predictions, life goes on more or less like before. Only better.

Three young North Carolina black men once sentenced to die for the rape of a white woman were freed from prison in 1975 under a settlement negotiated by SPLC attorneys as their case went to trial a second time. They spent two years in the Edgecombe County jail in Tarboro, N.C., before gaining their freedom.

Immigrant Justice

After learning that police in Fairfield, Alabama, may have been using a city ordinance to harass low-wage Latino day laborers, the SPLC and the National Day Laborer Organizing Network asked the police chief for public records to determine if Latinos were being targeted. When the police chief refused to respond, the SPLC and the day laborer group filed a lawsuit to compel him to release the records. 
