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SPLC Designated Hate Group
While CIS and its position within the Tanton network have been on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s (SPLC) radar for years, what precipitated listing CIS as an anti-immigrant hate group for 2016 was its repeated circulation of white nationalist and antisemitic writers in its weekly newsletter and...
Through books, articles and podcasts, Counter-Currents is the flag-bearer of what Johnson calls the “North American New Right,” a concept whose main objective is to legitimize the idea of a white ethnostate. Despite professing that it is aimed only toward those whose IQ is superior to 120, Counter-...
Since he was first appointed as circuit judge in Etowah County, Alabama, in 1992, Moore has repeatedly used positions of authority to impose his own version of far-right Christianity while also serving as a public advocate for some of the most extreme anti-choice and anti-LGBT causes. Moore largely...
SPLC Designated Hate Group
The Proud Boys’ actions belie their disavowals of bigotry: Rank-and-file Proud Boys and leaders regularly spout white nationalist memes and maintain affiliations with known extremists. They are known for anti-Muslim and misogynistic rhetoric. Proud Boys have appeared alongside other hate groups at...
SPLC Designated Hate Group
Founded in 1999 as Global Helping to Advance Women (Global HAWC), Family Watch International (FWI) is based in Gilbert, Arizona, and claims to be a nonprofit international educational organization. FWI is under the leadership of founder and longtime anti-LGBT and anti-choice activist Sharon Slater...
SPLC Designated Hate Group
The group is largely a vehicle for spreading the Catholic right-wing Gospel of its founder, Jennifer Roback Morse, a former hardline libertarian and professor of economics at George Mason University, where she was mentored by fellow economist and Nobel Prize-winner James Buchanan , one of the...
SPLC Designated Hate Group
Identity Evropa members insist they’re not racist, but “identitarians” who are interested in preserving Western culture. The group owes its style and ideology to the European identitarian movement . Founded in 2016 by Iraq war veteran Nathan Damigo , Identity Evropa has always operated with an eye...
Allsup built his brand on base, reactionary conservative tropes, appealing to Donald Trump's supporters, and creating "triggering" videos, before fully descending into the white nationalist politics of the alt-right. Allsup has spoken at alt-right events such as Richard Spencer’s Free Speech Rally...
Formed as the “tactical defense arm” of the Proud Boys, the Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights (FOAK) has become an accelerant for violence at right-wing rallies. The group’s founder, repeat-felon Kyle Chapman, organized FOAK after a melee with counter-protestors in Berkeley, California, to “protect...
