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Pearson advocates for total racial isolation, arguing that the possibility of “interbreeding” between “higher” and “lower” races will result in the “devolution” of the more “highly evolved” race. He has also been, either directly or through his organizations, among the most significant recipients...
SPLC Designated Hate Group
Known for its accusations that a shadowy “Muslim Brotherhood” has infiltrated all levels of government and warnings that “creeping Sharia,” or Islamic religious law, is a threat to American democracy, Center for Security Policy (CSP) founder Frank Gaffney has called for Congressional hearings along...
SPLC Designated Hate Group
Brigitte Gabriel, born Hanan Qahwaji, claims ACT for America was launched as a response to the 9/11 attacks and “educates citizens and elected officials to impact policy involving national security and defeating terrorism.” ACT has stayed true to its mission by working to advance anti-Muslim...
In 1988, David Horowitz founded the Center for the Study of Popular Culture in Los Angeles to “establish a conservative presence in Hollywood and show how popular culture had become a political battleground.” In 2006, the center was rebranded the David Horowitz Freedom Center (DHFC) and turned its...
Following a long tradition of scientific racism, Gottfredson argues that racial inequality, especially in employment, is the direct result of genetic racial differences in intelligence. Relying heavily on money obtained from the white nationalist Pioneer Fund, Gottfredson has worked tirelessly to...
Writing in both academic outlets and fringe political newsletters, he rejects the very idea of equality—insisting that black, female, gay or disabled people are at best inferior to and at worst parasites on straight, white, able-bodied men. Levin’s views are so extreme that in 1991 CUNY took the...
Andrew Anglin is the founder of the neo-Nazi Daily Stormer website, which takes its name from the gutter Nazi propaganda sheet known as Der Stürmer . True to that vintage, Anglin is infamous for the crudity of his language and his thinking, a contrast to his sophistication as a prolific internet...
The Alternative Right, commonly known as the "alt-right," is a set of far-right ideologies, groups and individuals whose core belief is that “white identity” is under attack by multicultural forces using “political correctness” and “social justice” to undermine white people and “their” civilization.
SPLC Designated Hate Group
In Its Own Words “What happens to blacks in this country at the hand of law enforcement is none of our concern ... other than to prepare to restore order and rebuild our neighborhoods taking back our lands one community at a time. When the enemy destroys … we guard our town borders and make our...
SPLC Designated Hate Group
The Traditionalist Worker Party (TWP) was a neo-Nazi group that advocated for racially pure nations and communities and blamed Jews for many of the world’s problems. The group was intimately allied with other prominent neo-Nazi and other hard-line racist organizations espousing unvarnished white...
