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January 31, 2018

As President Trump’s immigration plan was formally announced last week and reiterated during his State of the Union speech last night, anti-immigrant groups, notably the “Big Three” Beltway groups, Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) and NumbersUSA have decried, in unison, the plan as an “amnesty,” but the nativist measures in it are initiatives these groups have pushed for decades.

January 31, 2018

​The video is intended to shock: A young, red-haired girl is smiling at her phone while she walks down a suburban sidewalk, passing a swarthy man with a goatee wearing a hoodie who the narrator identifies as an “illegal immigrant.”

December 28, 2017

Roy Moore, the Republican nominee and extremist who lost the December 12 special senate election in Alabama, has filed a “voter fraud" complaint in the state of Alabama and named an antisemite and conspiracy theorist as two of his voting "experts."
