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Children's Rights

Date Filed

September 21, 2007

At the Calcasieu Parish Public School System in Louisiana, students with disabilities or emotional disturbances were deprived of the educational services required under federal law. The SPLC filed a class administrative complaint against the school district and reached a negotiated settlement agreement ensuring the services are provided and these students are not arbitrarily removed from class.

Features and Stories
August 22, 2007

A Mississippi school district where students with disabilities sometimes fell years behind in their education and suffered abusive punishment from teachers will make changes to protect these students under a settlement reached with the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).

Children's Rights

Date Filed

July 11, 2007

The Southern Poverty Law Center filed suit on behalf of mentally ill girls living at the Columbia Training School who were shackled, physically and sexually abused, and provided with inadequate mental health treatment.

Features and Stories
July 11, 2007

The Southern Poverty Law Center today sued the state of Mississippi in federal court to stop the "horrendous" physical and sexual abuse of teenage girls at the Columbia Training School, the state's prison for girls.

Features and Stories
June 13, 2007

The shackling of teenage girls at a Mississippi juvenile prison has shocked state officials and prompted calls for immediate closure of the facility. Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) attorneys first exposed the incident in a letter demanding that officials investigate and immediately rectify abuses, unsafe conditions and violations of federal law at Columbia Training School, the state's juvenile prison for girls.

Children's Rights

Date Filed

May 30, 2007

The Holmes County School District in Mississippi was systematically violating the rights of students with disabilities by failing to provide them with the educational services required under federal law. The district has agreed to a plan that will help ensure students with disabilities are identified and given educational services required under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act.

Children's Rights

Date Filed

December 13, 2006

A class administrative complaint against the Caddo parish, Louisiana, school district.
