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LGBTQ Rights

Date Filed

November 23, 2020

After a historic legal settlement over abusive conditions facing incarcerated transgender people in Georgia prisons, Ashley Diamond, a Black transgender woman, re-entered the Georgia Department of Corrections (GDC) in 2019 only to encounter similar unconstitutional conditions, sparking a lawsuit...

Features and Stories
April 01, 2020

In its most recent report on hate groups in the U.S., the Southern Poverty Law Center documented a spike in the number of groups targeting LGBTQ people and promoting dangerous lies and misinformation, particularly about transgender people. Shockingly, the number of those groups rose from 49 in 2018 to 70 last year.

Features and Stories
August 19, 2019

I was in love, about to be married, and never could have imagined that my life would soon be intertwined with an unimaginable amount of hate from strangers who wanted to tear apart everything I held dear.

Features and Stories
March 28, 2019

The SPLC this week filed a motion asking a judge to institute contempt proceedings against JONAH (Jews Offering New Alternatives for Healing), now known as JIFGA (Jewish Institute for Global Awareness), for violating an injunction entered over three years ago requiring that it permanently cease all operations and completely halt all elements of its fraudulent gay-to-straight “conversion therapy” program.
