Detectives Kory Flowers and Rob Finch of the Greensboro, N.C., Police Intelligence Squad were both involved in tracking white supremacists when, a couple of years ago, a new threat started to show up on their radar.
Detectives Kory Flowers and Rob Finch of the Greensboro, N.C., Police Intelligence Squad were both involved in tracking white supremacists when, a couple of years ago, a new threat started to show up on their radar.
As antigovernment “sovereign citizens” continue to defy the law across the country, government officials are fighting back.
The Southern Poverty Law Center identified 1274 anti-government “Patriot” groups that were active in 2011.
“Sovereign citizens” — antigovernment extremists who believe they are exempt from most laws and don’t have to pay taxes — continue to wreak havoc across the country.
Members of ‘Moorish’ groups and other black Americans are taking up the ideas of the radical ‘sovereign citizens’ movement
In Tennessee, officials are being overwhelmed with bogus filings from a particularly unusual group of ‘sovereign citizens’