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October 25, 2017

As America continues to process the aftermath of white nationalist violence in Charlottesville, the nation’s premiere law enforcement agency appears to be focused on yet another emerging terrorist threat — Black Identity Extremists, or BIE.

October 13, 2017

The following is a list of activities and events of anti-LGBT organizations. Organizations listed as anti-LGBT hate groups are designated with an asterisk.

September 28, 2017

The alt-right’s attempts to spread its white supremacist philosophy on college campuses have encountered difficulties, as witnessed this past weekend by the transformation of prominent bigot Milo Yiannopoulos’s four-day “Free Speech Week” at the University of California Berkeley into a 20-minute press conference broadcast on Facebook Live.

September 25, 2017

Yesterday’s election of the far-right, populist party Alternative für Deutschland (Alternative for Germany or AfD) marks the first time a far-right party has entered the German parliament since the end of World War II. 
