Eventbrite, one of the world’s largest platforms for planning, promoting, and selling tickets to live events is perfectly fine with white nationalists using its services, so long as they aren’t open about their beliefs on the Eventbrite platform.
Eventbrite, one of the world’s largest platforms for planning, promoting, and selling tickets to live events is perfectly fine with white nationalists using its services, so long as they aren’t open about their beliefs on the Eventbrite platform.
The takeover of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon by three of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy’s sons and their fellow militiamen continues to attract support from the hardcore extremist and racist right.
The far-right backlash against our civil rights progress reaches the U.S. Supreme Court this week with two critically important cases that could dramatically set back efforts to achieve racial equality in our nation.
The American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) is an anti-LGBT hate group founded in 2002. It bills itself as “a national organization of pediatricians and other healthcare professionals dedicated to the health and well-being of children.”
A look at the rhetoric coming from the group Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach has called "a think tank for pro-enforcement immigration policies."
Conspiracy theories originating on the extreme right have invaded American political life. And that's not good for democracy.
As the presidential candidacy of Donald Trump took off, white nationalists across the country rallied to his message
A few well-known extremist political candidates are joined by new characters from the radical right in announcing candidacy for political offices in 2016.
Several small American hate groups are stepping up efforts to spread local variants of “identitarianism,” a movement born in France in recent years that preaches opposition to multiculturalism, often taking shape in the form of anti-Muslim xenophobia.
The Syrian refugee crisis boiling over this summer has left Europe reeling and provided ample opportunity for far-right political figures and racist groups on both sides of the Atlantic to push xenophobia rhetoric into the mainstream.