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August 06, 2015

The hate site Stormfront and other racist groups have raked in hundreds of new members and tens of thousands of dollars since Dylann Storm Roof’s brutal June 17 killing spree in Charleston, S.C. Now, Florida officials are investigating Stormfront for illegal business activity.

August 06, 2015

Editors' Note: This story has been updated to correct the timing of a quote attributed to Brad Griffin of Occidental Dissent. The quote was from a piece Griffin published in 2011 on the question of President Obama's citizenship. 

Donald Trump has set the political system on its side. With brash public pronouncements and a willingness to say whatever is on his mind, the New York billionaire has found himself leading the polls with a groundswell of support – even from white nationalists.

Intelligence Report
Spring Issue
March 10, 2015

Americans were badly shaken this fall when missteps by the Texas hospital that handled one of the first cases of Ebola virus on American soil led to a minor outbreak in the U.S.

Intelligence Report
Spring Issue
March 10, 2015

Hate and antigovernment 'Patriot' groups are down by about a fifth as activism shifts to cyberspace and lone wolf actions

Intelligence Report
Spring Issue
February 14, 2013

For the Radical Right, Obama Victory Brings Fury and Fear

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
August 24, 2011

The White House this spring released the president’s “long-form birth certificate” after declining to do so for years. It confirms that Barack Hussein Obama II was born on Aug. 4, 1961, in Honolulu — precisely what the president has been saying for his entire life.
