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In his own words “We’re going to be back here, and we’re going to humiliate all of these people who opposed us. We’ll be back here 1,000 times if necessary. I always win. Because I have the will to win, I keep going until I win.” — Interview with, several days after the 2017 “Unite...
While the site remains popular in racist circles today, Black came under criticism in 2008 from other white supremacists for toning down its offensive content and for the claimed renunciation of racism made by his wife, Chloe Black, to a reporter. In his own words "The people that visit Stormfront...
A longtime associate of such hate groups as the white nationalist Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC), Abernethy stepped onto the national stage in 2012 as the vice presidential candidate for the racist American Third Position ticket. Her CCC ties drew widespread condemnation of her role as...
Pamela Geller is currently one of the most flamboyant anti-Muslim activists in the United States. Geller relentlessly pushes her Muslim-bashing on her blog, “Atlas Shrugs,” and is also a contributor to the far-right Breitbart News . Geller’s 2010 campaign in opposition to the Park 51 Islamic Center...
As early as 1985, Johnson proposed a constitutional amendment that would revoke the American citizenship of every nonwhite inhabitant of the United States. A quarter century later, in 2010, he was still actively supporting white nationalist causes, serving as chairman of the racist American Third...
Ironically, Hill was a professor for years at a historically black college before establishing the League of the South in 1994 as an institution devoted to reviving Southern heritage and, eventually, pushing for secession. As Hill spurred the group to become increasingly racist and militant in the...
Baum supported former Klan boss David Duke in his bid to be the governor of Louisiana, and his organization became more openly racist after being "outed" in a 1998/1999 political scandal, when it was revealed that then-Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.) had spoken at the group's meetings...
In recent years, he has worked behind the scenes to connect pastors and other religious right activists with conservative politicians. His work has been bankrolled by the rabidly anti-gay and anti-Muslim American Family Association, which the Southern Poverty Law Center lists as a hate group...
Harpending is most famous for his book, co-authored with frequent collaborator Gregory Cochran, The 10,000 Year Explosion: How Civilization Accelerated Human Evolution , which argues that humans are evolving at an accelerating rate, and that this began when the ancestors of modern Europeans and...
A pugnacious and loud-mouthed white supremacist, Berry, a longtime police drug informant, finally went to prison in 2001 after holding two reporters at gunpoint. Four years later, after leaving prison, Berry was severely beaten by his own son but managed to survive. He died of lung cancer in 2013...
