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Intelligence Report

After reaching a verdict that could potentially cripple a major Klan group, some jurors slept with loaded guns next to their beds, while others hardly slept at all.

Intelligence Report

The Hebrew Israelite movement is rooted in Black Judaism, a belief system birthed in the late 1800s by black Christians from the South's Pentecostal "Holiness" movement. They claimed to have received a revelation: America's recently emancipated slaves were God's chosen people, the true Hebrews.

Intelligence Report

The new shape of modern fascism, which is increasingly popular in the United States, has its roots in Europe.

Intelligence Report

When it suits his purposes, Preston Wiginton presents himself as a mainstream conservative. But his own writings unmask him.

Intelligence Report

The Intelligence Project obtained Los Angeles Superior Court documents related to Chris Simcox's increasingly erratic behavior in September and October 2001.

Intelligence Report

From President Bush's 1990 mention of a "New World Order" to the arrest of a would-be cop-killer this spring, the history of a movement is briefly recounted. 

Intelligence Report

La Sociedad de San Pío X, que tiene capillas y escuelas a lo largo de todo Estados Unidos, contina siendo una fuente de propaganda antisemita.
