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July 10, 2017

Counterdemonstrators greatly outnumbered the Ku Klux Klan at a weekend rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, where the focus was on the city’s planned removal of a large statute of Civil War Gen. Robert E. Lee.

May 15, 2017

With follow-up Twitter-support from long-time KKK leader David Duke, white nationalist Richard Spencer led a Klan-like fiery torch rally over the weekend in Virginia, opposing the pending removal of a Confederate statue.

May 10, 2017

Last weekend, a motley crew of far-right groups assembled at New Orleans’ Lee Circle to protest the city’s removal of Confederate monuments. Bearing all manner of insignias, from the Confederate Battle Flag, Klan logos, Civil War kepis, Norse runes, the flag of “Kekistan,” the Gadsden flag, to U.S. flags, all were prepared for a brawl. 

May 05, 2017

League of the South Members Among Those Attending NOLA Counter-Protests This Weekend
