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July 17, 2019

When Samuel called his family from the immigrant prison nearly six hours away from his home in South Carolina, his 8-year-old son was angry.

“Papa, are you going to come home?” Angel asked his father, who was calling from Stewart Detention Center in Lumpkin, Georgia. “I want to be with you, in the center.”

Samuel told his son he would return home soon. But he didn’t know if he could keep his promise.

“I was always afraid I would be deported,” he said in Spanish during a recent interview. “I never knew if I was staying or being deported back to Honduras.”    

June 04, 2019

As Rogelio slept in his cold bunk bed at an immigrant prison in Georgia, a fellow detainee crawled under the covers in a bed next to him and exposed himself.

Terrorized, Rogelio lay still.      

Fearing the man would attack him, Rogelio quietly slipped a piece of paper to a prison guard with the words “urgent, please help” written on it in Spanish.    

The guard ignored him completely, Rogelio said. But the next night, it happened again.

April 19, 2019

On a breezy day in Manchester, New Hampshire, Mateo and his wife, Lisa, decided to run an errand.

As the couple rode down an interstate highway on July 31, 2017, they came upon a police vehicle on the shoulder with its lights flashing.

Under New Hampshire traffic laws, drivers must slow to a safe speed and “give wide berth” to stationary emergency vehicles with flashing lights.

But Mateo, 36, did not know this.

April 16, 2019

On the stretch of highway careening south from Columbus to Lumpkin, patches of Georgia red clay lie like open sores on the road’s shoulder. The sun burns bright orange, through air that is hazy with pollen and smoke from controlled forest fires.

The land here was once valuable. It was coveted. Nearly 200 years ago, white men named this county Stewart, after a revolutionary war militia general. White men massacred the men, women and children of the Creek Confederacy over this land.

April 08, 2019

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Tras huir de la persecución en Cuba, Yerandy Valdes Ruiz fue rápidamente encarcelado en el Centro de Procesamiento del Servicio de Control de Inmigración y Aduanas (ICE, por sus siglas en inglés) en Pine Prairie en mayo de 2018. Durante más de ocho meses, fue privado de la atención médica que necesitaba para seguir vivo.

April 08, 2019

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Durante una tarde fresca en Cuba, la policía entró a la fuerza a la casa de Rodrigo y lo atacaron brutalmente con bastones - golpeándolo en el estómago, los hombros y la espalda. Cayó al suelo y rodaba del dolor. Escuchaba mientras la policía le advertía que lo iban a “desaparecer”. Después sólo miró como se escabullían entre la noche.

April 08, 2019

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Mientras José Antonio Hernández Viera se despedía de su hija de 6 años en Cuba, estaba angustiado. Ella padece de cáncer terminal del cerebro, y necesita su cuidado emocional y financiero.

Pero Viera no tenía otra opción. La persecución política que enfrentaba había alcanzado su punto más grave, y él moriría si él se quedara en su país de origen, dejando a su hija sin padre.

April 08, 2019

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Dos oficiales cubanos irrumpieron en la casa de Brayan Lazaro Rodriguez Rodriguez, lo esposaron, y lo empujaron al piso. Lo golpearon en la cara con sus bastones, y quebraron uno de sus dientes. Lo ficharon de “criminal”, y lo encerraron en una prisión cercana.
